March 28, 2011

i heart japan

In 1970, the year I was born, the Japanese artist On Kawara began sending out a series of telegrams to friends around the world stating the message, "I am still alive." The telegrams were a play on a medium that was most often associated with bad news. A sort of playful text message before it's time, it conveyed some of the casualness found in social networking today.
I meant to message friends in Japan since the earthquake and tsunami devastated the northern part of their country, but I have been so consumed with work and a newborn son that I haven't had the chance. I might have Tweeted something like: "Dear Friends in Japan; Are You OK? Thinking of you, TL.
I Am Still Alive: Politics and Everyday Life in Contemporary Drawing, is on exhibit at MoMA through September 19, 2011.
To donate to Japan Society's Earthquake Relief Fund, go to: