March 24, 2007

so long ya bozos!

Long before Jackass The Movies, there was Late Night With David Letterman's Calvert DeForest, aka Larry 'Bud' Melman. The actor who passed away Monday at the age of 86, lent himself to cockamamie antics functioning as Letterman's walk in guinea pig. A cult hit in the 80's, some of DeForest's memorable performances include when he approached commuters at the Port Authority Bus Terminal and, while welcoming them to New York in his naturally thick Long Island accent, offered them a hot towel. And the episode where Dave dressed him in a bear costume and set him off to roam around the NBC studios looking for someone who would make change for a ten dollar bill.
On last Tuesday's Late Show, Adam Sandler filled in for a sick Letterman and brought his droopy-faced bulldog 'Matza' along as his co-host. While interviewing Don Cheadle, Sandler repeatedly apologized for not being a good interviewer, saying, "I suck at this.., and, ".. I've never interviewed anyone.." Together the two joked about their new found friendship that came from working together on the new film Reign Over Me,' (in theaters now about a man who lost everything in 9/11). After a clip of the movie, the two actors sang as a duet, "My Endless Love," while peering into each others eyes. A light and charmingly crafted comedic moment that seemed amateur like karaoke, or Larry 'Bud' Melman, but smarter.